Aion Chat

Aion Chat from is a WordPress plugin that allows you to interact with artificial intelligence agents on your WordPress site. Aions – Artificially intelligent operation nodes – are users on your WordPress site. They have roles and capabilities just like other WordPress users. These roles and capabilities include everything a user can do, from publishing posts (role: “editor), to installing software (capability: “activate_plugins”).

By default, Aion Chat creates two Aions: the Assistant, and the default Aion. The plugin also creates a custom post type called “Aion Conversations”. An Aion Conversation is a CPT just like other post types in WordPress like post, page or order. You can use any CPT editor to change the properties of the Aion Conversations.

If an Aion user is set as the “author” of an Aion Conversation post type post, then the Aion will intelligently reply to a comment posted as if it were “chatting” with the user.

These Aion Conversations are captured in the regular WordPress comments system, and can be used by the site owner any way they can think of!

Aion Chat allows you to store the response from a Large Language Model’s “chat completion” in the WordPress comment system.